Neurology Department

Professional Neurology Services

Neurology Department Care and Cure Multispeciality Hospital. Best Neurology doctor in ahmedabad

Earlier neurological diseases were a major part of the world’s exotic diseases without any apparent treatment and diagnosis. But time has changed, and now we have advanced material and technology to treat complicated conditions related to Neurology.

The Neurology Department of Care And Cure multi-specialty hospital is the best neurology hospital in Gujarat which is a dedicated branch that deals with various medical issues related to the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, neuromuscular junction, and muscles.

With a leading team of Neurologists, Neurosurgeons, Neuro-rehabilitators, and Neuro Physicians we provide scrupulous diagnosis and treatment plan for…

Some of the common treatments of our Neurology Department:

We have a goal of reaching global level success in Neurological treatments. And to achieve that, our department, with an extensive range of medical equipment, diagnostic center, operation rooms, rehabilitation unit, trained staff, and expert doctors, work 24×7 to provide the most meticulous treatments and counseling.

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