Professional ENT Services

Otolaryngology – a medical facility which is concentrated on the ears, nose, and throat. It is also called otolaryngology-head and neck surgery. According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, it is the oldest medical specialty in the United States. At Care and Cure Multispeciality hospital you will get many medical facilities.
Our Wide Range of ENT Medical Facilities are:
Diseases of the Ear
- Hearing loss
- Tinnitus
- Dizziness & Vertigo
- Otosclerosis
- Ear drum Perforation
- CSOM & Cholesteatoma
- Ear infections
- Fluid in the ear
- Ear Injury
- Ear wax problems
- Eustachain tube dysfunction
- Facial Nerve paralysis
- Deformed Ears
- Ear lobe -tear,large ear ring hole
Diseases of the Nose & Sinuses
- Sinusitis
- Nasal Polyps
- DNS[ Deviated Nasal Septum]
- Turbinate Hypertrophy
- Allergic Rhinitis
- Vasomotor Rhinitis
- Tumours of Nose & Sinuses
- Nose Bleeding
- Rhinogenic Headache & Facial Pain
Diseases of the Throat & Mouth
- Infections: Tonsillitis, Pharyngitis etc
- Tumours
- Laryngopharyngeal Reflux
- Bad Breath[Halitosis]
- Snoring & Sleep Apnoea
- Mouth Ulcers
- Tongue Tie
- Swallowing Disorders
- Salivary gland diseases
- Thyroid diseases
Diseases of the Voice box[Larynx]
- Voice Disorders
- Vocal Polyps
- Vocal Nodules
- Dysphonia
- Vocal Cord paralysis
- Cancer Larynx
- Laryngopharyngeal Reflux
- Laryngotracheal Stenosis
- Laryngomalacia
- Vocal Cord Cyst
- Stridor
Head & Neck Tumours
- Oral Cavity Tumours
- Tongue tumours
- Palate tumours
- Buccal Mucosa tumours
- Lip tumours
- Parotid Gland tumours
- Laryngeal tumours
- Pharyngeal Tumours
- Nose & Sinuses: Benign & Malignant tumours
- Nasopharygeal angiofibroma
- Thyroid tumours
- Vascular tumours
- Neurogenic tumours
- Branchial sinus & Fistula
Facioplastic or Cosmetic ENT
- Endoscopic Scarless Treatment of Facial Fractures
- Endoscopic Scarless,Sticthless Treatment of Nose Fractures
- Keloid treatment
- Facial scar revision
- Facial swelling excision
- Ear shape correction
- Ear lobe repair
- Torn or large ear ring hole repair
- Nose shape correction[ Rhinoplasty]
- Swelling ear treatment
- Swelling ear correction
- Swelling Nose treatment
Pediatric ENT
- Reccurrent ear infection
- Recccurent cough and cold
- Reccurrent throat infections
- Snoring in children
- Sleep Apnoea in children
- Painless ear piercing
- Ear wax problems
- Hearing loss
- Pediatric headaches
- Adenoids
- Abscess
- Neck Swelling
- Swelling Face
- Facial trauma
- Foreign Body Nose, Ear, Throat
- Vascular Lesions- Haemangioma
- Lymphangioma
- Pediatric Acid Reflux disease
- Dizziness
- Speech Disorders
- Voice Disorders
- Head and Neck Tumours
With our wide experience across a range of above disorders and surgeries, our ear nose throat specialist team of doctors offers expert personalised care.